Monday, August 2, 2010
I didn't manage to be "AWOL" for long, now did I? I could feel the vibes as far away as An Daingean, an dtuigeann tú? I could feel de lurv!!! Thanks to all who enquired.
Apologies for disappointing ye all by not getting it out before I hastily headed off for a mini-break (note - "break" not "holiday"). I surrendered the laptop before I sped off and had no wi-fi to let you have it. Lucky I did cos the temperature in the hot tub was around 36 degrees. There were light pool refreshments and lotsa craic. Cost of living - e.g. pint of Guinness 3.80 Euro! Fungie sends his best.
Thanks Larissa for managing to get the SOS of events out to as many as you could. It was rumoured some never left the safety of their homes without the weather forecast!
As there is a holiday feel around with all the festivals and shows I'm not going to burden you with lotsa words. Instead, just to ask as many as possible to come down on Wednesday night as there are a couple of pressing matters we need to sort -
finalise arrangements for photographing yacht races this weekend coming with update on judging of photos taken
finalise Barn Dance
finalise date to begin the film adventure with the society's film camera and fixed 50mm lens (therapy will be available for any frustration, difficulty or indeed any RSI experienced from return to film from digital). I guess it might even be called one for the purists and as always this back to the future exercise stimulates a lot of debate and discussion. A slide show will be made of the best individual slides and fitting recognitions given.
finalise the Black & White competition due 25th August,
bring along some funny holiday photos and some serious ones as well, (trying to get a clapometer installed as unbiased judge!!!)
Collect outstanding membership fees.
See earlier newsletters for any pending external competitions.
August Bank Holiday Weekend
As you may have noticed there was no newsletter this week - Jorge is A.W.O.L. naughty boy that he is. So I'm here just to remind ye all that the TBPS are meeting at The Bridge Hotel, 10am Sunday morning to head off to the Polocrosse near Coolgreany. (It's on this side of Coolgreany, about 7 miles from Arklow and well sign posted) Polocrosse is a mix of polo and lacrosse so it should make for and interesting day, some even more interesting photos and it's something we haven't been to, as a society, before.
The RNLI have their Maritime Weekend also and here's the itinerary for those interested. There will be time to visit both events on the Sunday if desired.
Also, I have the majority of members email addresses but prob not all so tell a friend and between us all we may get the message to everyone. Thanks, Larissa.
Saturday 31st July From 7.30pm River Walk (behind Christies)
Live Music: “Second Coming” (new local band)
Duck Race (Sponsored by Bolands)
Model Sail Boats
Wheel of Fortune & many more stalls
Tug of War
Huge Jumbo Slide
Bronco Bill
Sunday 1st August from 1pm
On the Quayside beside Lifeboat Station
Blessing of the Fleet & Yachts
Air & Sea rescue Demonstration
Dodge Ball Competition (from 1pm)
Wheel of Fortune (from 1pm)
Boat Trips on Firehawk (from 1pm)
Dog Show - Scout Hall 3pm
Great Granny Competition (4pm)
Bronco Bull (all day)
Penalty Shootout (all day)
BBQ Tent & Refreshments (all day)
Hills of Arklow Car Show (all day)
Huge Jumbo Slide (all day)
Face Painting
Strawberries & Ice-cream
Dublin Model Boats Exhibition
Friday, July 23, 2010
Guess who?
Its the TBPS News room just cranking back into action after a spell on the mend in the twilight zone...
Did you miss the newsletter? Some people said they did!
Thanks to all those who knew and thought about me and more......
I managed to get out and about for a fair bit of the Seabreeze Festival.
But - Wow, I couldn't get over the number of compacts straining for "the" photograph. I took it easy and let the photographs come to me! I'll try and put together a slideshow for Wednesday. Do the same if you have any photographs over the festival weekend. While I didn't "capture" everything I did try to get some highlights and struggle at times with the light (comprende???).
So, as I ease myself back in, expect a little difference!! No, its not the usual format as you will see...................
Last week we were all judges! Yep, we all had the opportunity to judge a panel of photographs. Interestingly, most of us picked the one(s) we liked and disliked (i.e. a majority). Its not an easy job, but with commonsense and a bit of realism we got through. Overall we were pleased with the outcome and helped us focus on what we ourselves are about.
I know the last meeting or maybe two was a bit "fluid" but enjoyable and as we slip into the festival and holiday season expect some interesting photographs. We are due a "Photo Hunt", a siege of Aughrim (bring your camera in case the weather is favourable and we are able to head out there for some twilighty shots, trip to the windfarm, a look at photography - past, present and future.
Some members (actually one member) says they are woken up as my newsletter arrives. Sure, I never wanted the job anyway but I guess most of us have our mail turned off at night!!! I mean what would you be wanting it on for?
Back to the Big Event - I was delighted I could get out to the Festival. The sun was kind on Friday and Elliott took full advantage of the hunger and thirst to grab some 1/4 pounders in the burger eating competition. Well done.
The Gladiators came to Arklow and battled it out on the Main Street - a reminder of bygone days.
There was no shortage of music and The Elders lifted the crowd on Saturday. Not even the rain stopped the fans jigging and dancing to the lively music. The street buskers could hear, first hand, what Arklow is capable of producing. (I saw the proud "Mammy" and I'm glad I was there again as I'm afraid to think what she would have done to me if I hadn't (joke).
Pigs nearly flew on the Main Street and once word filters down the line, next year's herd may even have wings to escape to the duck pond where they can bob around with Dicey's Ducks who had the bookmakers having heart attacks.
Visitors could be forgiven for thinking 1798 wasn't over yet as the Wolf Tones brought the statue of Father Murphy to life. The Pipe Band showed their fitness as they marched fully kitted out in full battle dress.. They swopped pikes for pipes. I guess this Éirí Amach would have struck fear into the most seasoned British soldiers as they advanced tro the Main Street with their instruments booming and echoing.
The Garda Horse Mounted Unit was on standby for the baby show. Overall they had an easy time contributing to the policing of the festival. The horses made their own contribution and shall I say "gifts" to the festival. Just as well the Tidy Towns judging wasn't taking place then. The funds didn't rise to "horse nappies" but in these cash starved times the horses kindly supplied some very valuable fertiliser handily left on the street to give the hanging baskets an extra kick of colour.
The Children of Lir took part in the Swan Race and made a few bob.
Tommy organised musical chairs with a difference - blindfolded would you be minding!
The firework display was a welcome display on a drizzly night and managed to lift the spirits with cries of "oooooooh" and "aaaaaaaaah" .
I saw a lot of cameras at work and we could well have new members on Wednesday wanting an outlet for their art.
The TBPS were thin on the ground the whole week - they were probably working under cover spotting any signs of trouble or to be fair calibrating their instruments for the Black and White Competition......... Did your heart skip a beat? Well it should. Wait til you see the Competition Secretary's criteria.
I went to the fun fair for a few photographs hoping to get more on the way back, but guess what! The Council workers were out in double quick time and in a matter of minutes had the Main Street sparkling again. Well done.
I saw huge grins on the faces of the innkeepers. I think they were particularly pleased as the demon drink flowed out onto the street from the floppy plastic glasses.
Incidentally, I spotted a reddish ride on people carrier with crutches on the back - the sleeves were being used as a welcome support for the heavy Guinness glasses. (One user was an Elder's fan from America!).
I really appreciate the wonderful voluntary effort put in to make these occasions so much fun and worthwhile. I know some members of the Committee were absolutely boll - knackered. Well done so we could capture some special moments.
I have to say I couldn't have captured some of the spirit of the festival without the help of my neighbours. They were particularly useful for steadying some of my shots. They brought me places I hadn't been before (woo-hoo). They remember less of the festival than I do!!! Funny tho, I think I walked them home!!!
Question: How do you think the TBPS should be involved with the Maritime Festival this year?
I saw our dear friend Stormy Stan recently and he was like a lathe! We'd need three of him to fill the suit!!!
Think about it and chip in your ideas on Wednesday night.
Bring along, preferably on USB stick any photographs of the festival, or your holidays, or what you like.
Margaret has been spotted out and about and looking fantastic.I think she might have been doing a bit of retail therapy while she was at it! Keep up the good work.
Some members caught a summer bug and were laid low but in the main we're nearly up to full complement again for Wednesday. That is of course if those members who went away for their holiers get back and have some photos on a stick for the rest of us to envy.
I saw a couple of programmes on telly where they looked back in time. I dug into our archives and I'm going to let you have a free read of what we were up to this time last year, roughly. Aren't we busy little bees really?
Who wants to have Dumbledore give an impresario and some of the other wizards?