Monday, August 2, 2010
I didn't manage to be "AWOL" for long, now did I? I could feel the vibes as far away as An Daingean, an dtuigeann tĂș? I could feel de lurv!!! Thanks to all who enquired.
Apologies for disappointing ye all by not getting it out before I hastily headed off for a mini-break (note - "break" not "holiday"). I surrendered the laptop before I sped off and had no wi-fi to let you have it. Lucky I did cos the temperature in the hot tub was around 36 degrees. There were light pool refreshments and lotsa craic. Cost of living - e.g. pint of Guinness 3.80 Euro! Fungie sends his best.
Thanks Larissa for managing to get the SOS of events out to as many as you could. It was rumoured some never left the safety of their homes without the weather forecast!
As there is a holiday feel around with all the festivals and shows I'm not going to burden you with lotsa words. Instead, just to ask as many as possible to come down on Wednesday night as there are a couple of pressing matters we need to sort -
finalise arrangements for photographing yacht races this weekend coming with update on judging of photos taken
finalise Barn Dance
finalise date to begin the film adventure with the society's film camera and fixed 50mm lens (therapy will be available for any frustration, difficulty or indeed any RSI experienced from return to film from digital). I guess it might even be called one for the purists and as always this back to the future exercise stimulates a lot of debate and discussion. A slide show will be made of the best individual slides and fitting recognitions given.
finalise the Black & White competition due 25th August,
bring along some funny holiday photos and some serious ones as well, (trying to get a clapometer installed as unbiased judge!!!)
Collect outstanding membership fees.
See earlier newsletters for any pending external competitions.
August Bank Holiday Weekend
As you may have noticed there was no newsletter this week - Jorge is A.W.O.L. naughty boy that he is. So I'm here just to remind ye all that the TBPS are meeting at The Bridge Hotel, 10am Sunday morning to head off to the Polocrosse near Coolgreany. (It's on this side of Coolgreany, about 7 miles from Arklow and well sign posted) Polocrosse is a mix of polo and lacrosse so it should make for and interesting day, some even more interesting photos and it's something we haven't been to, as a society, before.
The RNLI have their Maritime Weekend also and here's the itinerary for those interested. There will be time to visit both events on the Sunday if desired.
Also, I have the majority of members email addresses but prob not all so tell a friend and between us all we may get the message to everyone. Thanks, Larissa.
Saturday 31st July From 7.30pm River Walk (behind Christies)
Live Music: “Second Coming” (new local band)
Duck Race (Sponsored by Bolands)
Model Sail Boats
Wheel of Fortune & many more stalls
Tug of War
Huge Jumbo Slide
Bronco Bill
Sunday 1st August from 1pm
On the Quayside beside Lifeboat Station
Blessing of the Fleet & Yachts
Air & Sea rescue Demonstration
Dodge Ball Competition (from 1pm)
Wheel of Fortune (from 1pm)
Boat Trips on Firehawk (from 1pm)
Dog Show - Scout Hall 3pm
Great Granny Competition (4pm)
Bronco Bull (all day)
Penalty Shootout (all day)
BBQ Tent & Refreshments (all day)
Hills of Arklow Car Show (all day)
Huge Jumbo Slide (all day)
Face Painting
Strawberries & Ice-cream
Dublin Model Boats Exhibition