Thursday, June 28, 2012

28 June 2012

Hi all,
Well, for anyone who has been visiting our website (not the blog) since April you will have noticed there are no updates on it.  This is due to the fact that my main computer has given up the Ghost and won't come back to me - but I'm still trying.  Until then I'll keep the blog updated.  I'm not used to these blog things so I never really think about this but you can find notices here until the sites up again.

So what have we been up to.  I've noticed that it was January when I last visited here - opps!  Rather than rehash it all if you're really interested you can find those details here:

For now here's what's most recent and coming up:

Many thanks to Beatrix from for judging our Portrait Competition last night.  It was a good idea to get everyone to talk about their photos which made the feedback from Beatrix more individual and everyone benefits from it. Congratulations to George who came 1st with his Roman begger, Paul was 2nd with his clever thought out self-portrait, and Colum and myself joint 3rd.  So remember for next year a portrait should capture the character of the person, and throw balls at them if you have to!

The Social Night venue has changed once again - details in the email.

Date for your Diary:

4th Meeting at Seaview Avenue 8.30pm (weather permitting)
8th Brayfest begins - continues until 7th Aug
11th TBPS Social Night @ 8.30pm
13-15th Seabreeze Weekend
18th G Night
22nd Sunday - Photo Hunt
25th Results of Photo Hunt

4-5th Maritime Weekend

Right, that's your lot for now, see ye all Wednesday.