Hi all,
Hope you're enjoying this nice pleasant weather we're having i.e. it's not raining so I'm kept happy :o)
So the new Committee had it's first meeting on Wednesday and has set out a wee agenda for ye all so here goes:
20th - Stewart will give a talk on Film Photography
27th - We hope to have a guest speaker for the topic of Landscape
1st May - Polocrosse in Ballykilty - Bernie has more info on that for us.
4th - Nature Competition
11th - Bring & Buy Night - any photographic related equipment you have but don't need anymore bring it along tonight (leave the kitchen sink at home!) and perhaps someone who would like it will buy it leaving you will some cash to go buy more camera paraphernalia
We are planning a day trip to Waterford for the Tall Ships Race on 2 July. This is going to be a hectic day so the plan is to leave early.
We also hope to do a trip to the Zoo in the summer (if anyone gets Premier Milk can you please collect the tokens off the pack - I know the tokens don't cover the Zoo in summer but there are other trips we could take)
Basically we hope to have set events for each Wednesday of the month - this is just a draft:
1st - 2 (willing) members picked at random to bring in 5 prints of their photos (A4 or smaller) as a panel for discussion by select members - this probably sounds scarier than it is! Basically the idea is that members get used to putting a panel together so that if you wanted to put a panel into the IPF Distinctions it can be a work in progress towards it.
2nd - Guest Speakers - either from outside the Society or a member can share their knowledge on a topic/
3rd - Film Photography - yes - we are giving over one night a month to the return of Film Photography! We have 2 Canon AE1's for members use (one on loan - Thank you Julie). Each week two lucky members will be given these cameras with film and they will head off, shoot the reel, bring them back and we will get them developed and they can be shown the next week and see what we can learn from it - so try not to miss Stewarts talk for tips next Wednesday.
4th - Practical Night - so make sure the batteries are fired up, film/cards at the ready and away we go.
Homework continues every week and for this Wednesday's it's 'Colour' (remember to label your folder with your topic then your name, and label each photo with your name and a number).
So busy busy busy!
See ye all soon
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