On the 7th we start our Photo school with introductions from Paul. Lessons will run for 6 weeks 8.30pm-9.30pm. After the six weeks I’ll do two nights on Picasa (I'm hoping that by then we will be in a position to use a computer room so everyone can work away at the same time) and we’re also in the process of organising some Photoshop classes as well so plenty to learn and as members there’s no extra charge.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
August 26th 2011
August 23rd 2011
August 17th 2011
August 8th 2011
July 28th 2011
After our Committee Meeting last night we have a few things lined up for ye.
First of all I’d like to thank Beatrix from Beatrix Portraits for taking the time out to be our Judge last night for the Ladies Challenge. She was great to comment on everyone’s images and really got involved. One image captured her imagination and she has offered to work in it in B&W so we’re looking forward to seeing the results there. Winners were 3rd Elena, 2nd Margaret, 1st Larissa. Beatrix has also agreed to come in another night and show us some of her work. In the meantime you can visit Beatrix’s website here: http://www.beatrixportraits.net/
Many thanks also to Andrew Dalton for sponsoring last nights competition.
The results of the Photo Hunt were given as well. It was a great day out and made us think and run about the place a bit. Winner of the Funny Photo was Nigel with his Muffin Man. Photo Hunt results: 3rd Bernie, 2nd Julie, 1st Larissa
And don't forget the Maritime Festival is on this weekend - Saturday & Sunday
Saturday: Riverwalk with plenty of live music, duck race, model sailing, amusements culminating in the release of 200 Chinese lanterns at 10p.m. which will be a beautiful spectacle over the town. Lanterns will be on sale on the night.
Sunday 31 the annual blessing of the fleet takes place along the quayside at 2p.m. which will be opened by Arklow Pipe Band. Later in the afternoon the Air Sea Rescue display takes place at 3p.m. followed by Bingo and Dog Show and more.
Coming up:
3th Aug - Bernie is opening her doors to us for a social night of food and merriment at her house at 8.30pm. We’ll meet in the Bridge beforehand to organise transport so try not to be late please. Bernie’s house is on the Ballynattin Road just past Vitra Tiles.
7th Aug – A day for all the family – a trip to the Zoo. Times to be confirmed. New additions to Dublin Zoo are White Crowned Mangabeys, a baby gorilla, baby giraffe and a King Ratsnake - so something for everyone.
10th Aug – Alphabet Night. This is a little exercise to get your brains going and open your eyes. Taking inspiration from the Photo Hunt tonight we’ll randomly pick out one half of the alphabet and you’ll be given half an hour to go out and take 13 photographs based on the letters given. You can do this individually or in groups of two or three but try get different photos to make for an interesting night. When you return we’ll have a look at them – should be interesting! We’ll schedule the other half of the Alphabet for another night.
17th Aug – Panel Night – anyone who is interested in doing Panels – this is a good night for you. Bring in about 30 photos each (4x6 or 5x7) and we’ll see if we can get 10 to gel. I’ll bring the butterfly photos we took in Donegal and we put together a panel of them as well.
21st Aug Sunday – Another day for all the family – a trip to Greenan Farm, Museum and Maze. There’s loads of things here - again something for eveyone. There's also a wild nature walk here with a chance of spotting wild deer, moorhens, frogs and dragonflies.
24th Aug B&W competition. Rules below. Also tonight we want to see the photos you didn’t put into the competition and we want to know why you choose the ones you did put in so bring them in on yer stick and we’ll have a full black and white night.
Paul will be running the Photo School for 6 weeks beginning 7th September 8.30pm-9.30pm. After the six weeks I’ll do two nights on Picasa and we’re also in the process of organising some Photoshop classes as well so plenty to learn and as members there’s no extra charge.
Another competition in September - the first of it's kind for us - Digital Creation/Manipulation. Images digitally enhanced or altered to create an entirely different photograph. Removed images, inserted images and cloned images and the like may be used to create a completely different photograph. The finished entry must still appear to be a photograph - not an artistic impression or design.
Finally - for anyone who’s interested - as part of the Gorey Market House Craft and Design Festival the PPAI Photo Journalism exhibition is opening tonight in the Library, Civic Square in Gorey. It doesn’t say how long it’s on for and you can see the slideshow here: http://www.ppai.ie/slideshow-2011/
So in brief:
3rd – Wednesday Night at Bernie’s 8.30pm
7th – Trip to Zoo
10th – Alphabet Night
17th – Panels & Butterflies
21st – Trip to Greenan
24th – B&W competition
7th Sept – Photo School
September - Digital Creation/Manipulation Competition
July 14th 2011
Well the TBPS were all over the place last Wednesday (I know how that feels!). When I say all over the place of course they were out and about. So off they went to the Holy Cross and, Holy God, they left someone behind at The Bridge (and not for the first time either - opps). So apologies from the Galivanters to the one left Home Alone. Measure's will have to be put in place to make sure this does not happen again.
It was a great evening, I caught up with them later at the Motte Stone where Elena stared the rock in the face and Jenny climbed it. The Moon was out and over the sea so we headed to the beach for more snaps so I'm expecting great photos this Wednesday from everyone.
Also this Wednesday we are judging the photo competition for the Arklow Seabreeze Festival so we hope there's been great interest in that. I've no doubt thousands upon thousands of photos were taken - how many do you think we'll see?? Did Jedward fall off that stage??? If so did anyone catch them (on camera??). There were eating competitions, Teddy Bear Picnics, loads of things on in the street and various spots around town and of course don't forget the Swinging Pubs. So lots of opportunities to take photos, if you know anyone who did get them to drop them into Julie. She has some application forms or it can be downloaded here. TBPS Members can not enter this competition but can encourage others to do so.
Other events coming up:
Sunday 24th July - Photo/Treasure Hunt
Wednesday 27th July - Ladies Challenge – ‘Friendship’
Sunday 7th August - Dublin Zoo
Wednesday 24th August - B&W Competition
That's my lot tonight, see ye Wednesday.
July 6th 2011
Next Wednesday bring your cameras - we meet early 8pm to head off to photograph Conary and surround area so hopefully the sun will keep smiling on us.
The Seabreeze Festival continues with The Swinging Pubs - remember the photo competition is ongoing so get your friend to get those cameras out and catch the craic. TBPS Members are exempt from this competition (even if you haven't paid your fees!) Rules, Conditions and application form can be found here (or drop into Kustom Kids on Bridge Street, Arklow). There is no fee but each photo must have an entry form attached. Photos will go on exhibition in the shop beside the Gin Mill (what was John Floods). For full details of the Festival go here http://arklowseabreezefestival.ie/
Arklow Coastcare have launched their annual photo competition in celebration of Wicklow's Coast. Photos can be emailed to coastcarephoto@gmail.com For more details click here.
June 30th 2011
First things first – FEES FOR JULIE!!!!!! Fees are now two months overdue and must be paid next week at the very latest. If you have already paid - Julie kisses the ground you walk on and thanks you very much – the rest of ye (me included – opps) – get the purse/wallet out, preferably with cash in it! €30 for unemployed; €50 employed and €70 for Family.
Many thanks to George for taking over the newsletter while I was away, otherwise you’d have never known what was going on!
So, what is going on? Well, before we get to that - what did go on? We had our Portrait Competition last night - Brendan, our judge, a Portrait Photographer himself, was very thorough, went through every individual image and gave his thoughts on each one. There was a great turn out of both photos and members which didn’t seem to make the job easier for Brendan. But there had to be winners so in 3rd was yours truly – Larissa with the man on the chair, 2nd Colum with his turban lady and 1st Mark with his ‘Horse’ – old man with beard and pipe. Congratulations to all and everyone for entering. There was a great variety of photos and always very interesting to see – well done.
The Sea Breeze Festival (15th, 16th, 17th July) is kicking off soon and we had a visit from Colm Moules and Philip Sharpe who would like us to assist them in organising a photo competition for the weekend that’ll be in it - details to follow. http://arklowseabreezefestival.ie/
This Sunday 3rd July is a trip to Duncannon for the Tall Ships Race. Meet at the Bridge in Arklow 5am for car pool. We’ll get a view from Duncannon of the ships racing, hopefully a bit of a breeze and sails up – will make for some great photos. Ships leave Waterford at 8am and racing starts at 11am. Here’s the link http://www.waterfordtallshipsrace.ie/ and attached you'll find the route map.
Sunday 24th July is going to be a great days entertainment! Can't wait! Meet at the Bridge at 12pm for The Photo Hunt (with a ‘Treasure Hunt’ thrown in for good measure). You will be given a description of where to go and what photo to take and clues will be given for any ‘gifts’ you may have to bring back – looking forward to that. Use a ‘clean’ card in your camera i.e. make sure you've copied everything you want into your computer and format the card wiping everything off it – the first image you should take is a self portrait so we know who owns what card, there are 12 images in the Photo Hunt and it’s a team event as well as an individual event. Prizes for the ‘funniest’ photo of the day as well.
Back to a Wednesday night and on the 27th we have our Ladies Challenge. The challenge to capture is ‘Friendship’ and as it suggests it’s for TBPS Ladies only. 2 photos, mounted, A4 maximum print, not to have been used in competition before and the photo has to have been taken within the past 12 months.
Sunday 7th August sees us in Dublin Zoo – a day for all the family – kids, parents, grandparents et al. Leave from the Bridge at 8.30am, hopefully get in before the crowds. Opening time 9:30am - 6:00pm, African Plains close at 5.30pm. For prices see http://www.dublinzoo.ie/65/Prices.aspx If we have 10 or more adults travelling we can get a Group Rate of €12.50 each, 10 or more children €8.00 each. And to find out what’s going on at the Zoo go here http://www.dublinzoo.ie/66/Zoo-News.aspx
On Wednesday 24th August it’s B&W night again. Mark will issue Competition Rules again and will be forwarded in due course. (General Rules were last sent out on 30th May with the Portrait Competition outline if ye want a reminder).
All our days out are weather depending. You have Elena’s number, just make sure if you do text put your name on the end in case she hasn’t got your number in her phone.
Homework for next Wednesday will be your best images from the Tall Ships Race. Anyone who can't go your Homework can be based on equally salty stuff like Maritime/Beach/Pirates etc. See ye all soon.
June 28th 2011
![]() | Portrait Competition - 29th JUNE |
![]() | Black & White - 24th August |
![]() | Your PRO has been out looking for a challenge after Podge Kelly's amazing presentation on Portrait Photography. Podge covered so much in such a short time and I think we all learned something. So, |
![]() | The Arklow Sailing Club would like us to get on board. I am trying to finalise the detail and will have more information on Wednesday. This would probably be on a Saturday (quite soon!) with two races possible - most likey the final races (5 & 6) in the Arklow Bay Hotel series
![]() | ASC will provide a prize(s) and the prizegiving would be approx 2 Wednesdays after the event. |
![]() | There were some great portrait photographs last time out AND you could practice what your learned from Podge at sea! |
![]() | If you're wondering are you fit enough, remember:-
![]() | The Seabreeze Festival is on again in July. Guess what? There's going to be a photo competition. Are you excited? Expect more info on Wednesday night when you get here. Yes, we're getting involved....................... Oh, Jedward will be there........more portraits....... |
June 20th 2011
![]() | Podge Kelly - 22nd June - next Wednesday - 8.00 P.M. - Portaits TALK. |
![]() | Note earlier starting time of 8pm - for Podge Kelly on "How to take Portrait Photographs". |
![]() | Please make a special effort to get down for 8.00 p.m. |
![]() | A bit about Podge: |
Podge ran an RTE TV programme 'What a Picture' and 'What a Digital Picture'.
He explains how to do things in a very understandable way.
He is expert on all aspects of photography.
We have chosen the topic of 'Portraits' for Wednesday.
With the Portrait Competition on 29th June we can all learn something from him.
Afterwards, we should be able to take better photos of family and friends and anyone who takes our fancy within limits of course.........
Podge will be using studio lights.
He has asked that he would like those attending to bring their cameras.
This is shaping up for a very interesting, informative and educational evening.
We are asking all members to come along and arrive fore the earlier starting time of 8.00 p.m.
If you have any like minded friends who would benefit you could bring them along.
You can visit his website @ http://www.podgekelly.com/ and get an idea of his work.
He also has a personal page @ http://www.flickr.com/photos/podgekelly/)
![]() | Portrait Competition - 29th JUNE |
![]() | Black & |
![]() | White - 24th August |
June 8th 2011
We all wish Larissa a well earned break after producing those wonderful newsletters complete with calendar.
I'm just sending it again so you can read it again.
Don't forget "Urban Decay" for tonight.
And if you have been "Keeping Up Appearances" you will have your Bokeh work done.
Mt. Usher still stands and Stewart will give a full report on the outing. This outing was filled with laughter and coffee and some business. I thought it was great................................
We hope to hear back positively from Audrey about Shelton - fingers crossed.
I might sneak in an ould style newsletter before Larissa gets back, just for ould times sake................
Remember those members/families who may be trying to cope with their health at this time- Was it Maeve Binchey who wrote "Light a Penny Candle" (or was it a cent or 20p).
A bien tot
June 2nd 2011
Here's what's coming up for June:
4th, Saturday The Polocrosse is on in the Lookout Stud, Coolgreaney from 9am, no cover charge and map attached in last weeks email - having problems attaching it here.
5th Sunday Today is our outing to Mount Usher Gardens, meet at The Bridge at 11am
8th Homework 'Urban Decay'
15th Audrey is going to see if we can take a trip to Shelton Abbey tonight but time & date needs to be confirmed.
22nd Podge Kelly 8pm who will give a presentation on how to take Portrait photographs. I set out the links to his website last week, if anyone needs them again just ask. We would appreciate a great turn out for this please.
29th The Portrait Competition is scheduled for the last Wednesday in June, the week after Podge Kelly's evening.
I'm away for a wee bit so George will very kindly take over the emails again - see ye on the 29th. Larissa
May 27th 2011
28-29th May, Saturday & Sunday There is a Wicklow Arts Festival in Wicklow town - anyone who wants to hang their photos on the railings at Fitzwilliam Square can do so by being there early each morning to register (free and no commission charge) 9am-6pm http://wicklowartsfestival.ie/art-on-railings
And here's a link about photos in the Grand Hotel where our very own Peter Loughlin is exhibiting if anyone is in the area and can drop in http://wicklowartsfestival.ie/photo-exhib
1st June, Wednesday all going well, I'll carry on and do the practical evening for you all so bring cameras again if that's ok and as there was no homework handed out on Wednesday you can use Paul's flowers as inspiration and we'll show them on the night too.
4th, Saturday The Polocrosse is on in the Lookout Stud, Coolgreaney from 9am, no cover charge and map attached (the Stud is the green arrow), GPS Co-ords 52.770893, -6.224356
5th Sunday Today is our outing to Mount Usher Gardens, meet at The Bridge at 11am
22nd Podge Kelly 8pm who will give a presentation on how to take Portrait photographs. I set out the links to his website last week, if anyone needs them again just ask. We would appreaciate a great turn out for this please.
29th The Portrait Competition is scheduled for the last Wednesday in June, the week after Podge Kelly's evening.
I have one of the TBPS cameras - whoever wants it next please let me know. Also anyone who hasn't had the use of the camera yet and would like to borrow it please email me so I can make a list rather than pestering everyone each Wednesday to see who wants it. You will be provided with film and we will process it for you as well.
That's about it for now, if anyone comes across any links they think might be of interest to members then forward them on and I'll email them out.
May 19th 2011
Many thanks to Nigel for his very interesting talk on Pinhole Photography last night, handout attached. Drawing on his evening guess what your homework is for next week?? Yep - pinhole photography the digital way. There were a few away last night hence the attachment - give it a go and see what ye think.
Don't forget your 'Spices' photos as well - anyone who didn't get a chance to do them for last night can have another week to do them - even combine 'Spices' and Pinhole in one image.
May 10th 2011
The film cameras are busy going through the members at the mo so best of luck to everyone with that exercise.
Coming up: 18th - Nigel will do a talk on Pinhole photography (assisted by Paul) Homework is 'Spices' 4th - June - Motocross - for anyone who wants to go 5th - 1st Sunday of June we head to Mount Usher Gardens, meet at The Bridge at 11am. Admission is €7.50
There are a ton of photos that Stewart had been holding onto from competitions etc. for exhibition. These have been exhibited and need to go back to their owners so can anyone who hasn't checked PLEASE go through them and take what belongs to you. You've all put a lot of work into them it'd be a pity to loose them.
See ye all next Wednesday, Larissa.