First things first – FEES FOR JULIE!!!!!! Fees are now two months overdue and must be paid next week at the very latest. If you have already paid - Julie kisses the ground you walk on and thanks you very much – the rest of ye (me included – opps) – get the purse/wallet out, preferably with cash in it! €30 for unemployed; €50 employed and €70 for Family.
Many thanks to George for taking over the newsletter while I was away, otherwise you’d have never known what was going on!
So, what is going on? Well, before we get to that - what did go on? We had our Portrait Competition last night - Brendan, our judge, a Portrait Photographer himself, was very thorough, went through every individual image and gave his thoughts on each one. There was a great turn out of both photos and members which didn’t seem to make the job easier for Brendan. But there had to be winners so in 3rd was yours truly – Larissa with the man on the chair, 2nd Colum with his turban lady and 1st Mark with his ‘Horse’ – old man with beard and pipe. Congratulations to all and everyone for entering. There was a great variety of photos and always very interesting to see – well done.
The Sea Breeze Festival (15th, 16th, 17th July) is kicking off soon and we had a visit from Colm Moules and Philip Sharpe who would like us to assist them in organising a photo competition for the weekend that’ll be in it - details to follow.
This Sunday 3rd July is a trip to Duncannon for the Tall Ships Race. Meet at the Bridge in Arklow 5am for car pool. We’ll get a view from Duncannon of the ships racing, hopefully a bit of a breeze and sails up – will make for some great photos. Ships leave Waterford at 8am and racing starts at 11am. Here’s the link and attached you'll find the route map.
Sunday 24th July is going to be a great days entertainment! Can't wait! Meet at the Bridge at 12pm for The Photo Hunt (with a ‘Treasure Hunt’ thrown in for good measure). You will be given a description of where to go and what photo to take and clues will be given for any ‘gifts’ you may have to bring back – looking forward to that. Use a ‘clean’ card in your camera i.e. make sure you've copied everything you want into your computer and format the card wiping everything off it – the first image you should take is a self portrait so we know who owns what card, there are 12 images in the Photo Hunt and it’s a team event as well as an individual event. Prizes for the ‘funniest’ photo of the day as well.
Back to a Wednesday night and on the 27th we have our Ladies Challenge. The challenge to capture is ‘Friendship’ and as it suggests it’s for TBPS Ladies only. 2 photos, mounted, A4 maximum print, not to have been used in competition before and the photo has to have been taken within the past 12 months.
Sunday 7th August sees us in Dublin Zoo – a day for all the family – kids, parents, grandparents et al. Leave from the Bridge at 8.30am, hopefully get in before the crowds. Opening time 9:30am - 6:00pm, African Plains close at 5.30pm. For prices see If we have 10 or more adults travelling we can get a Group Rate of €12.50 each, 10 or more children €8.00 each. And to find out what’s going on at the Zoo go here
On Wednesday 24th August it’s B&W night again. Mark will issue Competition Rules again and will be forwarded in due course. (General Rules were last sent out on 30th May with the Portrait Competition outline if ye want a reminder).
All our days out are weather depending. You have Elena’s number, just make sure if you do text put your name on the end in case she hasn’t got your number in her phone.
Homework for next Wednesday will be your best images from the Tall Ships Race. Anyone who can't go your Homework can be based on equally salty stuff like Maritime/Beach/Pirates etc. See ye all soon.
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