Sunday, August 28, 2011

July 14th 2011

Well the TBPS were all over the place last Wednesday (I know how that feels!). When I say all over the place of course they were out and about. So off they went to the Holy Cross and, Holy God, they left someone behind at The Bridge (and not for the first time either - opps). So apologies from the Galivanters to the one left Home Alone. Measure's will have to be put in place to make sure this does not happen again.

It was a great evening, I caught up with them later at the Motte Stone where Elena stared the rock in the face and Jenny climbed it. The Moon was out and over the sea so we headed to the beach for more snaps so I'm expecting great photos this Wednesday from everyone.

Also this Wednesday we are judging the photo competition for the Arklow Seabreeze Festival so we hope there's been great interest in that. I've no doubt thousands upon thousands of photos were taken - how many do you think we'll see?? Did Jedward fall off that stage??? If so did anyone catch them (on camera??). There were eating competitions, Teddy Bear Picnics, loads of things on in the street and various spots around town and of course don't forget the Swinging Pubs. So lots of opportunities to take photos, if you know anyone who did get them to drop them into Julie. She has some application forms or it can be downloaded here. TBPS Members can not enter this competition but can encourage others to do so.

Other events coming up:
Sunday 24th July - Photo/Treasure Hunt
Wednesday 27th July - Ladies Challenge – ‘Friendship’
Sunday 7th August - Dublin Zoo
Wednesday 24th August - B&W Competition

That's my lot tonight, see ye Wednesday.

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