Sunday, August 28, 2011

June 20th 2011

What's on?
Podge Kelly - 22nd June - next Wednesday - 8.00 P.M. - Portaits TALK.

Note earlier starting time of 8pm - for Podge Kelly on "How to take Portrait Photographs".

Please make a special effort to get down for 8.00 p.m.

A bit about Podge:

Podge ran an RTE TV programme 'What a Picture' and 'What a Digital Picture'.

He explains how to do things in a very understandable way.

He is expert on all aspects of photography.

We have chosen the topic of 'Portraits' for Wednesday.

With the Portrait Competition on 29th June we can all learn something from him.

Afterwards, we should be able to take better photos of family and friends and anyone who takes our fancy within limits of course.........

Podge will be using studio lights.

He has asked that he would like those attending to bring their cameras.

This is shaping up for a very interesting, informative and educational evening.


We are asking all members to come along and arrive fore the earlier starting time of 8.00 p.m.

If you have any like minded friends who would benefit you could bring them along.
Why don't you have a look at what Podge is about on the web....?

You can visit his website @ and get an idea of his work.

He also has a personal page @


Portrait Competition - 29th JUNE
Black &
White - 24th August

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