Sunday, August 28, 2011

May 27th 2011

Many thanks to Paul for stepping in last night at such short notice. As I was late myself lot of members told me how much they enjoyed it. I believe photos were taken of flowers and there was a DVD special on 3 (or 4) photographers so well done Paul. I'm not sure if the 'Pinhole' photographs were shown, if not we'll see them next week.

28-29th May, Saturday & Sunday There is a Wicklow Arts Festival in Wicklow town - anyone who wants to hang their photos on the railings at Fitzwilliam Square can do so by being there early each morning to register (free and no commission charge) 9am-6pm

And here's a link about photos in the Grand Hotel where our very own Peter Loughlin is exhibiting if anyone is in the area and can drop in

1st June, Wednesday all going well, I'll carry on and do the practical evening for you all so bring cameras again if that's ok and as there was no homework handed out on Wednesday you can use Paul's flowers as inspiration and we'll show them on the night too.

4th, Saturday The Polocrosse is on in the Lookout Stud, Coolgreaney from 9am, no cover charge and map attached (the Stud is the green arrow), GPS Co-ords 52.770893, -6.224356

5th Sunday Today is our outing to Mount Usher Gardens, meet at The Bridge at 11am

22nd Podge Kelly 8pm who will give a presentation on how to take Portrait photographs. I set out the links to his website last week, if anyone needs them again just ask. We would appreaciate a great turn out for this please.

29th The Portrait Competition is scheduled for the last Wednesday in June, the week after Podge Kelly's evening.

I have one of the TBPS cameras - whoever wants it next please let me know. Also anyone who hasn't had the use of the camera yet and would like to borrow it please email me so I can make a list rather than pestering everyone each Wednesday to see who wants it. You will be provided with film and we will process it for you as well.

That's about it for now, if anyone comes across any links they think might be of interest to members then forward them on and I'll email them out.

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