Thursday, March 31, 2011

31st March 2011

Hi all,
I've been updated with the email list - thank you George - and apologies to anyone who hasn't received any emails for a while.

Congratulations to our winners of the Maritime Competition last night - in 3rd place Peter Loughlin (welcome back), 2nd place Colum Dalton and in 1st place Stewart Case - well done all. Many thanks to our sponsor and host 'The Bridge Hotel' and to our judges Jim and Peter - much appreciated. Jim has also selected members photo which will adorn the walls of the hotel - we look forward to seeing them in place.

We had some interesting ideas for 'Irish Architecture' last night - keep up the good work everyone. And to keep ye on your toes Audrey picked 'Transport' for next weeks homework (she did mention something about hair and screws combined with Transport - I'll let ye sort that one out yourselves!! :oD

Next Wednesday 6th April we are 6 years old!! And you all know what that means - nope - no birthday cake but the dreaded AGM. (I'm pretty sure I'm washing my hair that night!)
Some of the old committee are standing down - our long term Chairperson Stewart and Secretary George - thank you for all your hard work over the past few years. So these positions are open to any willing/unwilling participants as well as PRO.

So that's your lot for now - I don't have the weather report - I'm not George - if ye want it ye can look out the window or petition for it!
See ye next week,
Ciao, Larissa.

22 March 2011

Hi Guys,

Apologies for the late email. Tomorrow night we'll have a Show'n'Tell - bring in your photos - anything at all and we'll have a great slide show. Last week we headed 'Out'n'About' to a secret location so members please bring these in too. Also it was St. Patrick's Day last Thursday so we want those too!

So a night of pics galore - see ye then.


P.S. I have it on good authority that George T's back - welcome home George!

14th March 2011

Hi All,
Just a very very quick email - this Wednesday - 16th March - bring your cameras with you, and tripods if you have them - if it's a dry evening we're heading out and about to take photos. If it's wet Stewart will have an alternative planned. Homework for this night is 'Animals' - pets or otherwise.
And remember - it's Paddy's Day on the Thursday so we'll expect to see those photos the following week.
C ye all then,

3rd March 2011

Hi all,

First off we send magical 'Get Well Soon Wishes' to George T and Peter who are unwell and hopefully on the mend and will be back with us soon so come on guys - focus on getting better - mind over matter and all that!!

We have been busy over the past few weeks so I'll try remember and recap on what we did. As you know from previous 'blogs' from George T he's been campaigning for a new Committee (n we all thought it was just election fever). While the committee won't change hands till the official date of the first Wednesday in April we're all pulling together and putting a new weekly schedule in place - so if there's anything any member wants to know let us know and we'll sort it out for ye.

On the 16th February ye were assigned 'Love' as your 'Project Work' being Valentines and all that... Some very creative ideas and you can find some here:

Last week - 23rd Feb - we covered some digital Black & White - dodging and burning and the Project Work was 'Wind'

Last night Paul gave a very interesting and informative talk on how to photography Garden Birds. He demonstrated his set up and even brought some little tweeters with him. Keep this lesson in mind - it'll come up in Project Work soon so get practising - not just your photo techniques but your patience too!

This Sunday 6th March we're going to take a day out to Porters Rocks - meet at the Duck Pond at 2pm with cameras and tripods (charged batteries and memory cards etc.)

Next Wednesday (9th March) we'll have a little lesson on reflectors so bring your cameras as well and we'll have a practise session.

Project Work for last night was 'Water' and for the 9th it's 'Food'. I've uploaded some of the PW to the TBPS Flickr page and you'll find members most recent work at this link:

9th February 2011

There's a lot of news doing the rounds, so get comfortable and read.................


TONIGHT we are back in business.

Yep, that means practicals.

Have you done your homework? Ok, if you haven't you can use your Get Out of Jail Card for tonight only. The homework was photography with a theme of "Electricity". A bit of a shocker??? This will be followed by helpings of photographs taken at the Arklow Rock on Sunday while it is still there!

Sunday showed once again the importance of having your battery fully charged before you go out. It fitted in well with the theme.

Certificates were presented last week to participants who arrived as newbies and are now capturing the world around them following their "graduation". If you missed out on your certificate, come down tonight and we will make sure you get yours.


The photographs in the Business Centre.


Canvassing is well underway for the new committee. There is a keen interest in some posts. However, no car, nor driver is provided.


Take care,

enjoy life as best you can,

and, as always, of course,

spend time with your best friend..........................

............your camera........................


2nd February 2011


I thought I'd start with a roll call of thanks!!!!

Thanks to all who supported the raffle, bought tickets and WON!!!! Thanks also for the variety of spot prizes. Thanks also to Jim, Patrick, DJs, and the staff of the Bridge Hotel for their sumptuous food, music and atmosphere. As always they made us feel very welcome with their warm hospitality. Thanks also to those who gave of themselves to entertain us that night. Yes, we're all human........... That was the big one......... The "Christmas/New Year/Birthday Party all rolled into one. You made it a night to remember...........

Thanks to those who sent me in their "birth days". No wonder we are the way we are with all those water bearers (Aquarians).


Tonight is the Final Photo Class!!! Many thanks to Colum for his loyalty and commitment to our education.

Certificates will be presented to participants who arrived as newbies (?) and are now putting their more experienced colleagues to the test.

Thanks also to our own presenters, Paul, Stewart, Larissa, Robert, Georg for their unique contribution. Remember too our guest speakers, Beatrix, Josh, Peter. Don't forget our own Mark for grasping the nettle of Competition Secretary. Our Officers, Robert, Stewart, Julie, Georg, helped with the Committee to keep a range of activities and knowledge capsules on track during the year. Bernie, Sheila and Gail got us publicity when we needed it. If I forgot anybody Julie will buy you a pint.............


The sell by date on the screws, cord, frames and photographs in the Business Centre is up. We need to change them now and make sure everybody is represented on the Walls of Fame.

Action: Decide tonight, who will do and what.

Note from Krissi Hodgson, Secretary, Kilkenny Photographic Society, about IPF Distinctions Workshop on12th February 2011 in Kilkenny. Mark Sedgewick will be there to provide useful information and to give advice to anyone intending to apply for a distinction.

Message from Dr. Christopher Kid. If you strike it lucky you could join a safari with him. He's the owner of The Photographic Safari Company which was set up to offer dedicated photographic safaris in Uganda. Sun block is essential or factor 50! NEW COMMITTEE

Yep, Spring is in the air. Time for a spring clean.

OK, the Society needs a fresh, young, vibrant committee for the next year. A number of the committee are taking time off for a while to further their education. Everybody has something to contribute. Please share what you have and bring a fresh approach to the work of the Society by giving a little of your time to steer us forward and renew us.

Go on!!! Go on!!!


Take care, enjoy life as best you can, and, of course, spend time with your best friend.......................... ............your camera........................


25th January 2011


YOU can be a winner!!!

As you remember from last newsletter , reproduced below:

Tomorrow is the"26th The Big One - The "Christmas/New Year Party" in the Bridge Hotel".

Get there for 9.00 p.m. and you'll have some grub.

There will be a raffle - €2 a ticket.

Buy at least one and you can be a winner - what a great start to the New Year.

Bring along a spot prize if you have one to spare to donate (say a €tenner max) - something that you'd like to win yourself maybe...........................

[Did you send me your Date of Birth without the year so we can all celebrate with you?]

Programme to 26th January 2011:-

26th The Big One - The "Christmas/New Year Party" in the Bridge Hotel from 8.00 p.m.

Keep hope alive - buy a ticket

All the best,


Some announcements in your email.

6th January 2011

New Year Greetings to everybody on this special ladies day! Nollag na mBan. Take some time out

I've decided for the New Year to slim down.

That includes the Newsletter.

You tell me what you want and I'll put it in. That way, you can help redesign it.


So, think about it. Then email me with your "likes" and "dislikes".

That way you will see a new look, new content Newsletter that we all like!!!.

OK, the holiday, fun, socialising is over.

Yes, it was lovely to see so many turn up last night but now we're back in the room.

Its time to get back to the craft.

Thanks to all the presenters who contributed of their time, effort and experience in adding to our love of photography.

Thanks to Jim and Patrick in the Bridge Hotel who always make us feel so welcome and look after our needs so well.


Welcome back Margaret. She's in great form. I missed her photography style!

Happy Birthday, that we know of, to Colum and Stewart.

[Send me your Date of Birth without the year so we can all celebrate with you]

Programme to 26th January 2011:-

5th You missed it!

12th Larissa - Basic Picasa - 9.00 p.m.

Bring your snow photos, Maximum 20. REPEAT - MAXIMUM 20.

19th Camera Craft - Colum - 8.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. Basically what we do with a camera and why.

Bring your current photos, Maximum 20. REPEAT - MAXIMUM 20.

26th The Big One - The "Christmas/New Year Party" in the Bridge Hotel from 8.00 p.m.

Think of our President as he participates in the Keith Barry Show tonight. See does he come out with a smile on his face .

Keep hope alive this year................

All the best,


5th January 2011

I wish you all a Happy New Year

Well, we made it to the end of 2010! What a year!

We plan to get back together on Wednesday 5th January (that's tonight if you haven't noticed).


it will be a social night,

reviewing 2010 ,

what went well ,

what didn't ,

how we can improve , and more importantly,

what YOU want to do in 2011 (apart from Draft Programme in the pipeline).

finalise the party!!!

I'm writing this on my dongle because my regular Broadband is not delivering the business and I'm not a happy camper.

Lucky enough I have my Snuggie keeping me warm - I need to, having been in bed for four days with the flu. Yuk. What a dose. Thank God my body's guerilla cells got reinforcements and hopefully have slaughtered all the baddies.

You're probably not reading this if your sick (I couldn't bear noise etc when I was awake, though I slept through most of it, probably while the internal war was being waged). You have my sympathy if you've got the bug, stay warm, drink lots of water, nice hot soup if you can manage it and maybe a decent tablet to ease the discomfort with lots of TLC in particular.

Thanks for all the texts and emails over the festive period. If I missed out replying to anybody please forgive me. I'll give you a lend of my Snuggie!

So, hope you stay well, eat well, relax well, sleep well.

And, very important stay or get back into shape as the days are getting longer, the light is staying longer.

Did you know that getting out with your camera quickly burn up the calories and keep you flexible! Go on, go for it!!!

So, from the Night Owl,

Good Night (that's a change), to anyone still awake! or

Good Morning to anyone getting it when they wake up


Normal services will resume after our meeting.

14th December 2010

Evening all. I'm sitting here listening to Silent Night. So, so, peaceful.

No Banks, No IMF, No ECB, ahhhhhhhhh. Sheer bliss.

But, I hear you way: "What about tomorrow night?"

Let me give it to you straight!

Well, there are a number of people away.

The weather is changing back to cold.

Some are reluctant to travel as places further afield are tricky and likely to deteriorate as the temperature drops into the future.

The party might be more appreciated in the New Year after a nice break from all that rich food and drink and lazing about. I'll let you know date later.

I have had whispers in my ear that a night in would be welcomed or for anyone who can make it, a social trip down to the Bridge, for a social drink tomorrow night. Take your pick. If you decide to go to the Bridge, bring a friend for physical support and so you won't be lonely! I'm not sure myself yet - babysitting demands!!!

While you are deciding what to do, think back to when YOU were a child and what you thought of Santa Claus..........

Then, have a read of the reply to little 8 year old Virginia from The Sun newspaper Christmas 1897 which follows!!!

BUT, before you read it - are you being NAUGHTY or NICE ???

Here, we go.....................................................

Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus By Francis P. Church

first published in The New York Sun in 1897. [See The People’s Almanac, pp. 1358–9.]

We take pleasure in answering thus prominently the communication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of The Sun:

Dear Editor—

I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, “If you see it in The Sun, it’s so.” Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?

Virginia O’Hanlon


your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men’s or children’s, are little. In this great universe of ours, man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.

Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies. You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if you did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that’s no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.

You tear apart the baby’s rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived could tear apart. Only faith, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.

No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.

Well, did you like that?

Will you make glad the heart of somebody this Christmas?

HO - HO - HO...............................

1st December 2010

Well, how are ye all???? Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I think winter is here???

Well, I think common sense prevails.

Unless you want to go to the Bridge alone for a pint or { } stoke up the sparking flickering log fire, lay down the bearskin and chill out!

Congratulations to Stewart, Lena and Peter [SLP], for being placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd in the TBPS Landscape Competition. I'll hold over the "runner ups" til next week so SLP can savour their recognition.

Thanks to Julie and family for judging and for the prizes - some will come in handy in the snow.........

What could we have been doing? Extracted programme from earlier newsletters:

01/12 Digital Imaging

08/12 Shape, form & texture (ABD)

15/12 Colour & Practical

15/12 Christmas Party @ The Bridge Hotel, all go.

Larissa bravely wanted to push ahead with her presentation tonight but she has been coerced into having a nice quiet night instead............

El Presidente offered to run a limited crossbar service but as conditions have deteriorated since he has withdrawn and is not risking it tonight [sensible].

My Spartacus is lovely and wooly and warm and loves to snuggle up - he asked me to take his picture and say "hello" I hope you can see him .

Weather forecast - more of the same.

I held off with the news hoping weather would improve but better to keep our membership strong - go on pamper yourself !!!

All for now,

Happy snow balling,


16th November 2010

1. What's on? plus the Christmas Story.

I'm delighted to report that the readership of the newsletter has increased. This is not without its consequences - see 2 below.

I'm reproducing the current calendar again for your convenience!

- I think it must be because I'm filling up with the Christmas Spirit and babysitting since 07:00 this morning .

I also took the opportunity of using my daughter's PC for the newsletter. We can expect a surprise appearance tomorrow night by our own laptop and projector - so bring your photographic efforts along for showing.



17/11 Light & Artificial Light

24/11 TBPS Landscape Competition - Yep, this is

the BIG-ONE...........(See Rules already sent out)

01/12 Digital Imaging

08/12 Shape, form & texture (ABD)

15/12 Colour & Practical

15/12 Christmas Party @ The Bridge Hotel, all going well.

We have a request in for any Christmasy photographs of Arklow, especially with snow - for a calendar. Please go through your archives and put 10 of your best on a USB stick for Wednesday night. More information then.

OK, back to the Christmas Story. Do you remember getting present(s) for Christmas? Well, in today's climate we'll be lucky to get one. Still, Christmas is all about giving (if you can).

Do you remember the little 8 year old girl Virginia who wrote in to the New York Sun newspaper in 1887 with a question - "Is there a Santa Claus?"

Now there was one for the editor! Still, not to be phased, he replied and you can hear his reply read out on radio between now and Christmas. This is a little something of what he said:

"Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light which childhood fills the world would be extinguished."

Now, let me tell you that I had an enquiry from Rudolph about an up and coming photographer. Equipped with a compact this photographer has done fantastically well in capturing some wonderful photographs. I have seen some of their work and I can tell you I'm impressed.

This person would like to move up a notch and make friends with an SLR. Unfortunately, they don't have enough dosh at present to get one (even entry model).

What I am hoping, is that somebody out there, has an SLR that is not being used and would like it to be given a wonderful home with lots of TLC from this aspiring photographer. I can tell you that its for a good cause and would be fully used. A contribution could be made to the generous giver.Let me know if you can oblige and I will happily tell Rudolph to pass on the message that, like with Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.

2. What's been happening?

Thanks to Colum and Paul for their informative talk on some aspects of photography hardware also their handouts.

So I said above that the readership of the newsletter has increased. This is not without its consequences and has proved to be controversial. That's great because it does indeed show the newsletter is being read.

It would be great if anybody wants, to add to, or take issue with, any of the information in the newsletter, to just put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and send me a note for inclusion in the next newsletter. Sure doesn't it boil down to the fact that we are all learning no matter how long in the tooth we might be!

9th November 2010

1. What's on?

Now, there's a question I get asked every Wednesday ......usually about the following week !

What I'm beginning to think is that while we may be great photographers , we aren't necessarily great readers or rememberers !

So, I have reprinted below the relevant CALENDAR dates of what already appeared in the earlier newsletter . Theoretically, this should mean none of those lazy questions!!!


10/11 Cameras, Lenses, Hardware - The Dean and The Birdman of Arklow

17/11 Light & Artificial Light

24/11 TBPS Landscape Competition - Yep, this is the BIG-ONE...........(See Rules already sent out)

01/12 Digital Imaging

08/12 Shape, form & texture (ABD)

15/12 Colour & Practical

15/12 Christmas Party @ The Bridge Hotel, all going well.

* Society's 50 mm Camera - get in some practice before you are selected to take part in the next 50 mm challenge. I think Stewart currently has it.

Its a while since a member went forward for a licentiate, associateship or fellowship. I know its demanding but expect extra encouragement over the coming weeks and months to put forward a panel of photographs.

Further to my message about the "Shield", there is aNovember Distinctions date change! The IPF have advised that the date for the November sitting has changed from the 27th November to the 28th of November..

Its about time the Society put forward a panel as well. Discuss.

The Chairman will explain in more detail the ins and outs of the IPF and their Distinctions for new members and anyone interested in going forward.

PS We pay a subscription to the Federation so we may need to make sure we get more bang for our buck!

2. What's been happening?

Peter Evers, photographer, opened up new avenues as he illustrated his interest in landscape with reference to his book and some mounted monster photographs..

Last week (if you read the newsletter) I quoted Peter as saying

"for the natural world to be perceived as landscape it must be framed first in the imagination, where it is shaped by individual memory and desire."

Having seen some of his work I have to say he did manage to turn landscape inside out and upside down. He certainly believes in developing his own style and that is what I think we are all about as well.

Why imitate when we are all originals and born with creativity, weird and wonderful?

Get out there with your camera and BE YOURSELF. Photograph what gives you life and energy. Bring a friend for company.

Thanks to those who reduced their images of the dancers to manageable proportions. Stewart and I will put together a worthy portfolio of class photographs for the school.

3. Outstanding business

Subscriptions - Talk with Julie and see whether you are uptodate.

3rd November 2010

1. What's on?

Wednesday 3rd:

* 20:00 - Meet

* 20:30 - LANDSCAPE

Peter Evers, photographer, is presenting a talk on landscape.

He's travelling some distance to be with us (Co. Kildare, I think) so can you make a special effort to be on time - seated by say 8.15 p.m. so the talk can move smoothly and allow Peter to get home this side of midnight!

One of his quotes is "for the natural world to be perceived as landscape it must be framed first in the imagination, where it is shaped by individual memory and desire."

With the landscape competition coming up and if you haven't captured your selection yet, you should pick up some useful tips {weather permitting if you're only going out now!)

* Christmas Party - Wednesday 15th December, all going well.

* Society's 50 mm Camera - get in some practice before the next 50 mm challenge. I think Stewart currently has it.

2. What's been happening?

* Great to see our new members being enthusiastic, developing their expertise and researching their first SLR. We look forward to your photographs and ideas.

* Last Wednesday we travelled into the wilder part of Wicklow. Greenane to be exact. Literally in the middle of nowhere there was this amazing dance school - it was huge. Some fantastic photographs were taken.

Each member will bring along a maximum of 10 photographs from the night's dancing for viewing. We appreciated the warm reception and co-operation from Isobelle and dancers. I could say my camera struggled with lighting on the night from wall mirrors, reflections, flourescent lights but in fact it was myself! I have a lot to learn still about lighting..........

Thanks to the drivers and their GPS knowledge.......................

3. Outstanding business

* Subscriptions - Talk with Julie and see whether you are uptodate.

26th October 2010

Greenan - Dancers, - This event (published in last newsletter) is still on as of now - confirmed by phone this evening. Meet Bridge Hotel for 7.30 p.m. Departure. Best route suggested is via Rathdrum - see map details below. It may be rainy and/or gusty tomorrow night, so best to stay to main route. Turn right after Byrne's Pub in Greenan and location is first BIG entrance on right



[Don't forget Halloween, we can have fun on the Wednesday after - BE BRAVE -dress up/make up - with me!]

20th October 2010

There was one winner of this week's spot the mistake - did you notice? Ever vigilant, our SC, was first - the dancers, of course, are on Wed 27th and not 30th as originally typo'd!

The Society's 50 mm Film being dusted down and will be brought into use shortly for "seasoned" members to "think" about settings, composition as compared to the almost instant use of digital cameras. A rota is being drawn up and shooting will begin shortly - could be based on seniority so don't be scared. A photographic exhibition was launched on Monday 18th Oct on the premises of John Floods old shop on the Main Street (beside J kay's) at 7.30pm. There is a marvellous visual treat for the eyes of photos taken in and around the streets of Arklow by members of the Arklow Mens Group from the CDP (Community Development Program Lower Main St) and the Springboard Family/child support agency, Ferrybank, Arklow. The printing was done by Blueprint, Lower Main St at a nominal cost. If you want to see what the lads have been up to, drop in any day Mon to Sat 12 madday to 3pm over the next two weeks.

2. What's been happening

This is a short newsletter.


As always we are trying to improve the service to our members-

The laptop is back from a Calibration & PC Health Check - courtesty of Jenny and Shane.

The PC is in tip top condition (probably all the TLC).

The projector is next to go for calibration and then - WOW!!!

You will be blown away by the colour management of the PC and projector (except possibly for anyone colour blind which we will soon find out.)

Did you hear that Jenny scooped a prize at the recent Aughrim Photo Competition! Well done, Jenny. Ask her did she make any adjustments in her GIMP.

The second reason is I have another b****y infection. I am quarantining myself so as not to give it to you.

The Dean of the PhotosSchool gave a captivating introduction to the art of photography on night 1. There were photographs and handouts to illustrate the points made.

Finally, if anybody wants to include any photographic equipment they want to put up for sale/barter/swop in the run up to Christmas let me know and I'll give you some space!

Equally if you're PC/Laptop is unwell, talk to Jenny/Shane for state of the art diagnosis and cure.

Normal (?) services will resume shortly.

So, relax, shoot, eat and drink well, and laugh for a healthy life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jorg, atishoooo

13th October 2010

Short newsletter as I was waiting on info and am off now. See you later. G

Wednesday 13th:

20:00 - Committee Members: Committee Meeting .

21:00 - PhotoSchool starts - Guess where? With the basics! Everybody can benefit, new members, recent members, seasoned members! The Master of the Darkroom will preside. Society's 50 mm Film being dusted down and brought out for members to "think" about settings, composition as compared to the almost instant use of digital cameras. A rota is being drawn up and shooting will begin shortly - could be based on seniority so don't be scared... [Caution: Talks/Events may be subject to change, due to unforeseen circumstances and will be rescheduled where possible or with another worthwhile night.].

2. What's been happening?

Well done to the new members who have stayed the course and are eager for PhotoSchool to start.

Expect unique perspectives as our new members upset traditional approaches!

Be creative and realise your own potential.

Anything and everything is possible so commit yourself to this new PhotoSchool Year.

An interesting example of creativity is Colum's Space Odyssey (no, not oddity) which was officially opened on Saturday 9th October in Birr Castle by the Earl of Ross. Colum and his work is now part of the history of the castle. The exhibition is on until January. Members trekked there and were given suitable refreshments. Local newspapers present.

Ask Questions! Don't accept everything on face value. We need to be constantly challenged

Rumpole gave an introduction to photography law. Commonsense was a useful guide to what could and couldn't be photographed.

4th October 2010

I hope ye are all keeping fit and healthy for the new PhotoSchool Term which will be launched next week on Wednesday 13th (oops).

Unfortunately, this Wednesday's shoot has had be cancelled at short notice by the group who was to perform. BUT, the good news is that they can perform on Wednesday 27th and they are looking forward to that. I suppose this could be called delayed gratification such has been the interest shown. You know you have to be fit to be in the photography world, whether as a hobbyist or a professional. Having passed my medical with the Chairman and President and having just been given back the laptop you can expect a touch of normality now that "Lazarus" has had a reprieve. However, this introductory newsletter is short by order and a test!

So, for Wednesday, and before the PhotoSchool proper begins next week, we decided it might be useful to dip our lenses into aspects of Photography Law. This could help us keep our skills on the right side of the law. Well, when you consider you could go to jail for not paying a €200 fine because you had no car tax (sound familiar?), God knows what could happen if you rammed your lens into the gates of the Dáil. Rumpole has indicated that, flights, weather and warnings, being favourable, he could be in Arklow for a nine o'clock start i.e. 21:00 on aspects of Photography Law but he will finish no later than ten o'clock i.e. 22:00. Do remember to bring along some of your recent work preferably on a virus free USB stick so we can all share your enthusiasm. I have to say I was very impressed with the photographs by Niamh of her exotic travels tro India.... [She was probably sitting on her mam's hip as a baby and learning the craft first hand!] With scarce resources I thought she captured lots of shots with emotion and feeling. I'd love to watch them again [Now I'm wondering - how did she manage for batteries? Or maybe Colum gave her loadz of film before she went?] Thanks Niamh, and even though you are not (yet) a member, you showed us what is possible with a touch of creativity and imagination. Also, you showed that you were able to shoot even in difficult situations. Well done. I hope there are lotsa USB sticks on Wednesday night. OK, that's it. I'm keeping it short to give you extra time to study!!!

PS - I may not have all the email addresses of recent members, so if anybody has them, e.g. Audrey is great at that, if you send them on I'll forward the newsletter. Thanks. Jorge

21 September 2010

Tomorrow Wednesday 22nd September - Julie on how to take fantastic landscapes (this will be of benefit to anybody entering the Tommy Byrne - TBPS Landscape Competition shortly.

This will be followed by a slide show and if you have any interesting slides, do bring them along and we'll throw them up on the screen.

Just to let you know Colum's Space Odyssey (no, not oddity) is on Saturday 9th October, this year, at 14:00 in Birr Castle. More anon but if you are up to trekking, go for it cos there will be famous celebrities and a professor there, I think.

8 September 2010

20:00 - Committee Members: Committee Meeting to finalise programme of events for this term.

· All: Please email me any topic(s) (before six oclock on Wednesday) you would like to have considered by the Committee and covered during this new year.

20:30 - Paul shows how to get the best out of black and white printing. · Bring along a black and white you'd like to see printed. We'll try and get thro as many as we can. · Society's 50 mm Camera. Rota to be drawn up and shooting to begin ASAP.

[Caution: Talks/Events may be subject to change, due to unforeseen circumstances and will be rescheduled where possible or with another worthwhile night.]

What's been happening?

· A warm welcome to our new members, Joe, Karen and Janita. We look forward to your photographs and ideas. · Last Wednesday Paul showed an introduction to black and white printing.

· There were no applications for any committee post so this vote of confidence in the current committee is a great boost.

· As we begin a new term, every effort will be made to keep talks/events on track.

· A presenter will say whether they want to take questions during or after their presentation.

· During a presentation stay focused and don't get side tracked into side chats which are distracting for the presenter and the meeting.

3. Outstanding business · Subscriptions - Talk with Julie and see whether you are uptodate.

5. TIP Don't go crazy buying the most expensive equipment/gear just yet... . Cartier-Bresson used a film camera, with the same lens, no flash, and same shutter speed - he didn't need the newest digital equipment to take great photos.

We have our own 50mm camera to focus the mind and Colum is giving it its annual overhaul before use. Current film will be provided.

Remember: Camera to be brought back to meeting one week after issue with film intact so everybody can shoot in good time.

29th August 2010

Those members who came down to the sailing club were well received and fed. The icing on the cake though was when two members present received beautiful Newgrange Glassware for their efforts, independently judged, -

Brian for his artistic reflective sunglass technique of a sailboat (well done), and George for climbing the mast to fly his Jolly Roger and photograph down the mast on the crew looking up (scary).

To show how appreciative the Arklow Sailing Club were, and showed no favouritism in our adversity, they awarded a prize to Colum (who was a diehard on the Bridge!) for his tilting of the sails.....(isn't he delighted he decided to go to sea that Saturday!).

Meanwhile, on Wednesday, Mark dropped the guillotine on the black and white photos for the competition and despatched them for adjudication. This will happen on Wednesday night - business commitments by the judiciary all going well.

At the point of bending over backwards, we hope to finish off the final chapter on metering.

So, this is it - the meat - read carefully. I cannot make it any clearer.

Wednesday night - 1st September 2009 Bridge Hotel

20:00 The Gathering begins...........

20.30 - SHARP - Introduction to printing black and white (Paul) - This will be followed next week with practicals on how its done - bring a photo you'd like to print differently and we'll see how many we get thro.

21:00 - Judging report on black and white competition - provisional based on business commitments. Finally, time permitting - Finish metering talk.

Most of the important communication takes place at the meeting on Wednesday. So, to be sure of the latest, on what's going on, please, come along.

The next way of communicating is by email.

If I have your current and correct email address you will get a newsletter, provided - you're internet is working. you tell your mailbox the newsletter is not spam having received it, now you have to read it and print it off if your memory isn't the best like mine. Of course, I don't know whether you're internet is working or not and I presume I have your current email address unless you tell me otherwise. sometimes, my own connection isn't working 100% or I have other commitments which don't enable me to send a newsletter earlier than this. Comprende?

Finally, the Society functions on a voluntary basis. We all give up our time to try and make it work. The members on your committee (who are due a committee meeting next Wednesday 9th at 19:00), make an extra effort to make things happen.

If you think you can do any of the committee jobs any better, come forward, and you can have a job! My mailbox is open between now and next meeting to receive any applications! (Canvassing will disqualify)!

May you all be sane and happy in mind, body and spirit...............

~Au revoir


24th August 2010

Hi y'all.

I'm sooo excired.


I can't wait to get back to "normal"!

You know the way it is with September...........children back at school, new terms, new beginnings, various classes started up for learning.

And of course, can't wait to start sending out the full newsletter again - remember?

Quote, News, Agony Column, Tips, Weather.

Arklow Sailing Club are over the moon with our photographs and are opening their Club to us on Wednesday i.e. tomorrow night. The bar will be open so there will be no deprivation nor dehydration. The plan is to get together, see the photos in action AND guess what............they are going to pick, I think, two winning photographs and probably a surprise prize. I like you?

PLUS, each member who took photographs, whether on a boat or on land, is being asked to bring a small selection of photographs from where they were [20-40 max].

At such short notice, this joint venture was a tremendous success (wasn't it?) for both groups and showed how each group is capable of working so well with another. You never know, we could have an annual event, so get your sea legs.

The next important item as you saw from the newsletter and our meetings is the Black and White Competition.

Bring your two entries, mounted, to the Arklow Sailing Club where we are meeting at 8.30 p.m. You already have the rules from our competition Secretary Mark who is totally committed with his extra member. Just follow them.

18th August 2010


The Arklow Sailing Club have sent a very special thanks to the members of the Tommy Byrne Photographic Society who took photographs of their recent races.

The undertaking was very adventurous for the members who were made to feel most welcome and at ease as they set sail for the turbines.

However we are reminded how fragile life is when three anglers were killed when their 25ft motor cruiser, the Castaway, sank off west Cork on Monday. Officials from the Marine Casualty Investigation Board and the Garda are to carry out an inquiry into the incident and whether an explosion in the engine caused the fire. A fourth man from America, the only survivor, was described as walking wounded after being winched to safety from the water. Luckily, the helicopter service was in the area at the time. The tragedy occurred about half a mile from shore in Bantry Bay, near Adrigole harbour, at around 5.30pm, 12 miles from Glengarriff. This must be a very difficult time for their families when what started as a straightforward voyage ended so suddenly and tragically.

While safety was paramount for ourselves and crew, the skippers made sure we got back safely with dare I say literally thousands of photographs!

The sailing club hope to have a social evening Wednesday week in their "clubhouse" with us and show us their appreciation for our work - they may even show this with some tokens of thanks!

Last Wednesday saw Stewart and Julie give us some valuable insights, tips and photographs for Wedding Photography. Stewart is finalising the handout/attachment for distribution. There were some gorgeous examples of Photo Books. If you give/send me attractive Photo Book websites/addresses I will list them near the end. Michael was a living witness of health as he returned after a nasty flu.

Thanks to Bernie who once again gave members the opportunity to "capture" some dramatic shots at the motocross.

There was a few moments of watery silence near the end when members understood that the Secretary had been "sacked". What Stewart was trying to say was that the Secretary had not been sacked but discreetly slipped out suffering from very painful MJI.

As you remember from last newsletter you can expect:

1. 18th August - Metering & Lenses. This complex but simply area will be ably unravelled by our own Master of Mystery and Wizard, aka, Dumbledore. Have any questions ready. Members are particularly interested in the practical application of the various metering techniques so if you want to ask about yours, please do.

2. If you have any unusual lenses bring them along so we can compare what they can be used for. We might even try a few grab shots!

3. 25th August - Black & White Competition by the Competition Secretary's Rules which you have already received.

4. 01 September - Black & White Print Night - include improving photos from 25th Aug

5. 24th September - Patrick Nolan (Fair City fame) has invited us to stage a Photographic Exhibition in Conary during a cultural get together.

Colum occupies Birr Castle 8, 9, 10th October for his piece de resistance. There are a few pitches still left on the grounds for tents etc. have again been in touch for more photographs. Julie has more info and I hope Larissa wasn't inundated by mistakenly attributing the contact to her.........

Remember to put your name on any photographs you display at the Business Centre. We will be changing the current ones before the end of the month.

We propose to do a catalogue of various print media in the not too distant future.

We are considering making an application for Garda Vetting since members are coming across and aware of situations where children could be the subjects of photographs. Please bring along photographic ID for yourselves so we can update our own ID cards. In these cash strapped times you'll find you usually get at least 10% discound with your card on photographic equipment.

A further talk on Photographic Law is in preparation and will probably be given in September.

Keep going............


6th August 2010

Evening all.

I'm heading for the Guinness Book of Records and the production line is nearly burnt out, just like Paolo did with his shutter.. Thanks for your feedback to keep going. Sure ye's are great support.

This is a bare boner...............

We had a lively meeting on Wednesday and thanks to all who were able to come. Thanks also to Eoin for making it ashore in time to answer what we couldn't! The rest of you can catch up here.

News continued to flow in from various friends and well wishers for the arrival of Amira, a whopping 10lb + +. Mark got lotsa credit but I'm sure there was more to it than that! I doubt he did it on his own. (Watch this space)

We made a lot of progress and decisions on Wednesday:

  1. Meet at Sailing Club 12.16 latest for briefing and light refreshment. Bring gear as recommended, be warm, soft shoes, hat, suncream(?), for boat, full camera kit, batteries, cards etc. Someone suggested a tripod so we'll wait and see............El Presidente has led from the top by climbing the big mast in the past so let's keep his example up and await his pep talk on the morning.
  2. Sunday, Ferns, €5 entry, 11.00, for those magnificent lads on their flying machines. Thanks Bernie.Thanks Bernie again for last Sundays polo games.
  3. 11th August - more bikes, this time BMX gymnastics etc at the custom built arena at the sports complex from 11.00 a.m.. REMEMBER - as there will be youngsters there you will need to get parents permission for photographs, so get down early if you are planning on attending.
  4. 11th August - Julie - Candid Wedding Photography (as an amateur not for dosh).
  5. 18th August - Metering & Lenses. Bring some lens for various grab shots.
  6. 25th August - Black & White Competition by the Competition Secretary's Rules./brief,
  7. 01 September - Black & White Print Night - include improving photos from 25th Aug.
Colum occupies Birr Castle 8, 9, 10th October for his piece de resistance. Huge interest coming from the US of A. Dumbledore likely to be taken on as an advisor to Barack have again been in touch for more photographs. Larissa has more info.

Remember to put your name on any photographs you display at the Business Centre. We will be changing the current ones before the end of the month.

We propose to do a catalogue of various print media in the not too distant future.
Ok, that's it. Look forward to a big get together next week and lotsa lotsa photographs.

Send The Force to all those going sailing tomorrow and remember to keep them in your sails.
