Thursday, March 31, 2011

3rd March 2011

Hi all,

First off we send magical 'Get Well Soon Wishes' to George T and Peter who are unwell and hopefully on the mend and will be back with us soon so come on guys - focus on getting better - mind over matter and all that!!

We have been busy over the past few weeks so I'll try remember and recap on what we did. As you know from previous 'blogs' from George T he's been campaigning for a new Committee (n we all thought it was just election fever). While the committee won't change hands till the official date of the first Wednesday in April we're all pulling together and putting a new weekly schedule in place - so if there's anything any member wants to know let us know and we'll sort it out for ye.

On the 16th February ye were assigned 'Love' as your 'Project Work' being Valentines and all that... Some very creative ideas and you can find some here:

Last week - 23rd Feb - we covered some digital Black & White - dodging and burning and the Project Work was 'Wind'

Last night Paul gave a very interesting and informative talk on how to photography Garden Birds. He demonstrated his set up and even brought some little tweeters with him. Keep this lesson in mind - it'll come up in Project Work soon so get practising - not just your photo techniques but your patience too!

This Sunday 6th March we're going to take a day out to Porters Rocks - meet at the Duck Pond at 2pm with cameras and tripods (charged batteries and memory cards etc.)

Next Wednesday (9th March) we'll have a little lesson on reflectors so bring your cameras as well and we'll have a practise session.

Project Work for last night was 'Water' and for the 9th it's 'Food'. I've uploaded some of the PW to the TBPS Flickr page and you'll find members most recent work at this link:

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