Thursday, March 31, 2011

20th October 2010

There was one winner of this week's spot the mistake - did you notice? Ever vigilant, our SC, was first - the dancers, of course, are on Wed 27th and not 30th as originally typo'd!

The Society's 50 mm Film being dusted down and will be brought into use shortly for "seasoned" members to "think" about settings, composition as compared to the almost instant use of digital cameras. A rota is being drawn up and shooting will begin shortly - could be based on seniority so don't be scared. A photographic exhibition was launched on Monday 18th Oct on the premises of John Floods old shop on the Main Street (beside J kay's) at 7.30pm. There is a marvellous visual treat for the eyes of photos taken in and around the streets of Arklow by members of the Arklow Mens Group from the CDP (Community Development Program Lower Main St) and the Springboard Family/child support agency, Ferrybank, Arklow. The printing was done by Blueprint, Lower Main St at a nominal cost. If you want to see what the lads have been up to, drop in any day Mon to Sat 12 madday to 3pm over the next two weeks.

2. What's been happening

This is a short newsletter.


As always we are trying to improve the service to our members-

The laptop is back from a Calibration & PC Health Check - courtesty of Jenny and Shane.

The PC is in tip top condition (probably all the TLC).

The projector is next to go for calibration and then - WOW!!!

You will be blown away by the colour management of the PC and projector (except possibly for anyone colour blind which we will soon find out.)

Did you hear that Jenny scooped a prize at the recent Aughrim Photo Competition! Well done, Jenny. Ask her did she make any adjustments in her GIMP.

The second reason is I have another b****y infection. I am quarantining myself so as not to give it to you.

The Dean of the PhotosSchool gave a captivating introduction to the art of photography on night 1. There were photographs and handouts to illustrate the points made.

Finally, if anybody wants to include any photographic equipment they want to put up for sale/barter/swop in the run up to Christmas let me know and I'll give you some space!

Equally if you're PC/Laptop is unwell, talk to Jenny/Shane for state of the art diagnosis and cure.

Normal (?) services will resume shortly.

So, relax, shoot, eat and drink well, and laugh for a healthy life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jorg, atishoooo

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