Hi all,
I've been updated with the email list - thank you George - and apologies to anyone who hasn't received any emails for a while.
Congratulations to our winners of the Maritime Competition last night - in 3rd place Peter Loughlin (welcome back), 2nd place Colum Dalton and in 1st place Stewart Case - well done all. Many thanks to our sponsor and host 'The Bridge Hotel' and to our judges Jim and Peter - much appreciated. Jim has also selected members photo which will adorn the walls of the hotel - we look forward to seeing them in place.
We had some interesting ideas for 'Irish Architecture' last night - keep up the good work everyone. And to keep ye on your toes Audrey picked 'Transport' for next weeks homework (she did mention something about hair and screws combined with Transport - I'll let ye sort that one out yourselves!! :oD
Next Wednesday 6th April we are 6 years old!! And you all know what that means - nope - no birthday cake but the dreaded AGM. (I'm pretty sure I'm washing my hair that night!)
Some of the old committee are standing down - our long term Chairperson Stewart and Secretary George - thank you for all your hard work over the past few years. So these positions are open to any willing/unwilling participants as well as PRO.
So that's your lot for now - I don't have the weather report - I'm not George - if ye want it ye can look out the window or petition for it!
See ye next week,
Ciao, Larissa.
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