Thursday, March 31, 2011

9th November 2010

1. What's on?

Now, there's a question I get asked every Wednesday ......usually about the following week !

What I'm beginning to think is that while we may be great photographers , we aren't necessarily great readers or rememberers !

So, I have reprinted below the relevant CALENDAR dates of what already appeared in the earlier newsletter . Theoretically, this should mean none of those lazy questions!!!


10/11 Cameras, Lenses, Hardware - The Dean and The Birdman of Arklow

17/11 Light & Artificial Light

24/11 TBPS Landscape Competition - Yep, this is the BIG-ONE...........(See Rules already sent out)

01/12 Digital Imaging

08/12 Shape, form & texture (ABD)

15/12 Colour & Practical

15/12 Christmas Party @ The Bridge Hotel, all going well.

* Society's 50 mm Camera - get in some practice before you are selected to take part in the next 50 mm challenge. I think Stewart currently has it.

Its a while since a member went forward for a licentiate, associateship or fellowship. I know its demanding but expect extra encouragement over the coming weeks and months to put forward a panel of photographs.

Further to my message about the "Shield", there is aNovember Distinctions date change! The IPF have advised that the date for the November sitting has changed from the 27th November to the 28th of November..

Its about time the Society put forward a panel as well. Discuss.

The Chairman will explain in more detail the ins and outs of the IPF and their Distinctions for new members and anyone interested in going forward.

PS We pay a subscription to the Federation so we may need to make sure we get more bang for our buck!

2. What's been happening?

Peter Evers, photographer, opened up new avenues as he illustrated his interest in landscape with reference to his book and some mounted monster photographs..

Last week (if you read the newsletter) I quoted Peter as saying

"for the natural world to be perceived as landscape it must be framed first in the imagination, where it is shaped by individual memory and desire."

Having seen some of his work I have to say he did manage to turn landscape inside out and upside down. He certainly believes in developing his own style and that is what I think we are all about as well.

Why imitate when we are all originals and born with creativity, weird and wonderful?

Get out there with your camera and BE YOURSELF. Photograph what gives you life and energy. Bring a friend for company.

Thanks to those who reduced their images of the dancers to manageable proportions. Stewart and I will put together a worthy portfolio of class photographs for the school.

3. Outstanding business

Subscriptions - Talk with Julie and see whether you are uptodate.

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