I'm heading for the Guinness Book of Records and the production line is nearly burnt out, just like Paolo did with his shutter.. Thanks for your feedback to keep going. Sure ye's are great support.
This is a bare boner...............
We had a lively meeting on Wednesday and thanks to all who were able to come. Thanks also to Eoin for making it ashore in time to answer what we couldn't! The rest of you can catch up here.
News continued to flow in from various friends and well wishers for the arrival of Amira, a whopping 10lb + +. Mark got lotsa credit but I'm sure there was more to it than that! I doubt he did it on his own. (Watch this space)
We made a lot of progress and decisions on Wednesday:
- Meet at Sailing Club 12.16 latest for briefing and light refreshment. Bring gear as recommended, be warm, soft shoes, hat, suncream(?), for boat, full camera kit, batteries, cards etc. Someone suggested a tripod so we'll wait and see............El Presidente has led from the top by climbing the big mast in the past so let's keep his example up and await his pep talk on the morning.
- Sunday, Ferns, €5 entry, 11.00, for those magnificent lads on their flying machines. Thanks Bernie.Thanks Bernie again for last Sundays polo games.
- 11th August - more bikes, this time BMX gymnastics etc at the custom built arena at the sports complex from 11.00 a.m.. REMEMBER - as there will be youngsters there you will need to get parents permission for photographs, so get down early if you are planning on attending.
- 11th August - Julie - Candid Wedding Photography (as an amateur not for dosh).
- 18th August - Metering & Lenses. Bring some lens for various grab shots.
- 25th August - Black & White Competition by the Competition Secretary's Rules./brief,
- 01 September - Black & White Print Night - include improving photos from 25th Aug.
Colum occupies Birr Castle 8, 9, 10th October for his piece de resistance. Huge interest coming from the US of A. Dumbledore likely to be taken on as an advisor to Barack |
Wicklowtoday.com have again been in touch for more photographs. Larissa has more info. |
Remember to put your name on any photographs you display at the Business Centre. We will be changing the current ones before the end of the month. |
We propose to do a catalogue of various print media in the not too distant future. |
Send The Force to all those going sailing tomorrow and remember to keep them in your sails.
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