I hope ye are all keeping fit and healthy for the new PhotoSchool Term which will be launched next week on Wednesday 13th (oops).
Unfortunately, this Wednesday's shoot has had be cancelled at short notice by the group who was to perform. BUT, the good news is that they can perform on Wednesday 27th and they are looking forward to that. I suppose this could be called delayed gratification such has been the interest shown. You know you have to be fit to be in the photography world, whether as a hobbyist or a professional. Having passed my medical with the Chairman and President and having just been given back the laptop you can expect a touch of normality now that "Lazarus" has had a reprieve. However, this introductory newsletter is short by order and a test!
So, for Wednesday, and before the PhotoSchool proper begins next week, we decided it might be useful to dip our lenses into aspects of Photography Law. This could help us keep our skills on the right side of the law. Well, when you consider you could go to jail for not paying a €200 fine because you had no car tax (sound familiar?), God knows what could happen if you rammed your lens into the gates of the Dáil. Rumpole has indicated that, flights, weather and warnings, being favourable, he could be in Arklow for a nine o'clock start i.e. 21:00 on aspects of Photography Law but he will finish no later than ten o'clock i.e. 22:00. Do remember to bring along some of your recent work preferably on a virus free USB stick so we can all share your enthusiasm. I have to say I was very impressed with the photographs by Niamh of her exotic travels tro India.... [She was probably sitting on her mam's hip as a baby and learning the craft first hand!] With scarce resources I thought she captured lots of shots with emotion and feeling. I'd love to watch them again [Now I'm wondering - how did she manage for batteries? Or maybe Colum gave her loadz of film before she went?] Thanks Niamh, and even though you are not (yet) a member, you showed us what is possible with a touch of creativity and imagination. Also, you showed that you were able to shoot even in difficult situations. Well done. I hope there are lotsa USB sticks on Wednesday night. OK, that's it. I'm keeping it short to give you extra time to study!!!
PS - I may not have all the email addresses of recent members, so if anybody has them, e.g. Audrey is great at that, if you send them on I'll forward the newsletter. Thanks. Jorge
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