Thursday, March 31, 2011

2nd February 2011


I thought I'd start with a roll call of thanks!!!!

Thanks to all who supported the raffle, bought tickets and WON!!!! Thanks also for the variety of spot prizes. Thanks also to Jim, Patrick, DJs, and the staff of the Bridge Hotel for their sumptuous food, music and atmosphere. As always they made us feel very welcome with their warm hospitality. Thanks also to those who gave of themselves to entertain us that night. Yes, we're all human........... That was the big one......... The "Christmas/New Year/Birthday Party all rolled into one. You made it a night to remember...........

Thanks to those who sent me in their "birth days". No wonder we are the way we are with all those water bearers (Aquarians).


Tonight is the Final Photo Class!!! Many thanks to Colum for his loyalty and commitment to our education.

Certificates will be presented to participants who arrived as newbies (?) and are now putting their more experienced colleagues to the test.

Thanks also to our own presenters, Paul, Stewart, Larissa, Robert, Georg for their unique contribution. Remember too our guest speakers, Beatrix, Josh, Peter. Don't forget our own Mark for grasping the nettle of Competition Secretary. Our Officers, Robert, Stewart, Julie, Georg, helped with the Committee to keep a range of activities and knowledge capsules on track during the year. Bernie, Sheila and Gail got us publicity when we needed it. If I forgot anybody Julie will buy you a pint.............


The sell by date on the screws, cord, frames and photographs in the Business Centre is up. We need to change them now and make sure everybody is represented on the Walls of Fame.

Action: Decide tonight, who will do and what.

Note from Krissi Hodgson, Secretary, Kilkenny Photographic Society, about IPF Distinctions Workshop on12th February 2011 in Kilkenny. Mark Sedgewick will be there to provide useful information and to give advice to anyone intending to apply for a distinction.

Message from Dr. Christopher Kid. If you strike it lucky you could join a safari with him. He's the owner of The Photographic Safari Company which was set up to offer dedicated photographic safaris in Uganda. Sun block is essential or factor 50! NEW COMMITTEE

Yep, Spring is in the air. Time for a spring clean.

OK, the Society needs a fresh, young, vibrant committee for the next year. A number of the committee are taking time off for a while to further their education. Everybody has something to contribute. Please share what you have and bring a fresh approach to the work of the Society by giving a little of your time to steer us forward and renew us.

Go on!!! Go on!!!


Take care, enjoy life as best you can, and, of course, spend time with your best friend.......................... ............your camera........................


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