Thursday, March 31, 2011

5th January 2011

I wish you all a Happy New Year

Well, we made it to the end of 2010! What a year!

We plan to get back together on Wednesday 5th January (that's tonight if you haven't noticed).


it will be a social night,

reviewing 2010 ,

what went well ,

what didn't ,

how we can improve , and more importantly,

what YOU want to do in 2011 (apart from Draft Programme in the pipeline).

finalise the party!!!

I'm writing this on my dongle because my regular Broadband is not delivering the business and I'm not a happy camper.

Lucky enough I have my Snuggie keeping me warm - I need to, having been in bed for four days with the flu. Yuk. What a dose. Thank God my body's guerilla cells got reinforcements and hopefully have slaughtered all the baddies.

You're probably not reading this if your sick (I couldn't bear noise etc when I was awake, though I slept through most of it, probably while the internal war was being waged). You have my sympathy if you've got the bug, stay warm, drink lots of water, nice hot soup if you can manage it and maybe a decent tablet to ease the discomfort with lots of TLC in particular.

Thanks for all the texts and emails over the festive period. If I missed out replying to anybody please forgive me. I'll give you a lend of my Snuggie!

So, hope you stay well, eat well, relax well, sleep well.

And, very important stay or get back into shape as the days are getting longer, the light is staying longer.

Did you know that getting out with your camera quickly burn up the calories and keep you flexible! Go on, go for it!!!

So, from the Night Owl,

Good Night (that's a change), to anyone still awake! or

Good Morning to anyone getting it when they wake up


Normal services will resume after our meeting.

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